Episode 8: Joe Swash on being a stepdad

Joe Swash

Father of two children and two stepchildren, Joe Swash, speaks to Rachel Silver about his blended family. Joe is dad to Harry, 12 and Rex, 15 months. He is also stepdad to Zach, 13 and Leighton, 8.

Joe says that his family, “couldn’t be more blended if you try. It's not straightforward. There's lot of people to take into consideration. Some people might not be as reasonable as other people. So it's a constant one field of trying to juggle and keep all the parties happy. It doesn't always work. You know, sometimes it falls apart at the seams really quickly and two or three people are not happy and it's difficult, but you just have to remember that you [will move on] from that stage.”

He said that it’s difficult at times for the children and there’s often things going on behind the scenes but “they shouldn't know any of that stuff because none of this stuff is their fault. It’s not their fault that I'm not with Harry's mum. It's not the kid's fault. It's something that we've done. It was a decision we made. So none of this is them.”

He said it wasn’t easy when he first introduced his son, Harry to Stacey’s kids and that, “I think he got a little bit jealous because he thought, [Dad is] obviously with these kids all the time. And he only sees me on the weekends and it took him a while to understand this is just the situation”. Joe said once they had got over that hurdle and Harry understood how much he loved him, “then he could really sort of accept it and he sort of embraced it and [the kids all now] get on really well.”

Joe, who has a son with television presenter Stacey Solomon said that when baby Rex was born it really blended their family, “Rex was like the anchor for everything. Everything sort of comes from Rex. It connects all of us together. So when we had Rex, you know, that sort of instilled in Harry, particularly that, this is his family, that's your brother. [Zach and Leighton are] your step brothers. We never say [the] step bit.”

Joe says that he treats all the kids exactly the same and that Stacey and him are considering having another baby, “I think maybe one more would be the limit, there's always that elusive girl out there. You know what I mean? So I push one more time. I know for a fact we'll end up with another boy, but [that’s] okay.”

To hear the full episode, listen below or listen via your normal podcast provider such as Apple podcasts, Spotify or Acast.

This episode is sponsored by Network Rail who are working with Joe to teach children about rail safety. The Stay Safe with Thomas campaign, launched by Network Rail and Thomas & Friends™, is designed to give parents the tools to educate their children about how to keep safe when travelling on the railway.

Joe is featured in a short film reading the Stay Safe with Thomas story. Parents can use the film as an engaging way of approaching the subject of rail safety with their children. Click here to download the book and watch the film. 


Episode 7: Legal advice for stepfamilies